For all those people keeping up with the latest celebrities, the wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt was on fire this summer. They got married on August 23, in their estate in France. The wedding was very elegant and Angelina even wore a veil covered in drawings her children created. It was very popular because Angelina and Brad have been a couple for quite a long time, and we were all waiting on the day to see them wed. Due to human interest, word spread fast about the wedding and was long talked about.
Another big celebrity event that occurred was the Kimye wedding, which we were all eagerly awaiting. The wedding happened very early in the summer, but no one knew what it even looked like until the wedding photos were released. The photos were beautiful, reflecting the nice and simple ceremony the two put on. A lot of people would think, why is this newsworthy? It's just wedding pictures, but really, it's the wedding picture's of a lifetime to most people. The people who have been huge fans of the Kardashians or of Kimye and were waiting to see this moment arise.
This story was possibly the biggest story of the summer. The Ebola outbreak that was occurring. It was not some simple virus, which would think. Maybe another 24 hour virus or a small sickness that they could easily find a cure for, and frankly, this wasn't it. Ebola is a deadly disease, that kills, and is spreading like wildfire from West Africa due to people not caring to keep it confined. People have traveled on planes that show the symptoms, traveling and passing on the virus, worsening it throughout time.
Michael Brown was another touching story, similar to the story of Trayvon Martin. The story of a boy and his friend walking to the local quick trip. The police had gotten a call that a suspect that had just robbed a store was headed to that QT. So, upon seeing Michael Brown, the officer shoots him down and kills him immediately, without even confronting before shooting or confirming that it was indeed his guy. So, the family of Michael Brown has hired the same lawyer that covered the Trayvon Martin case, and is assisted with the empathy of their family.
Recently, a new terrorist group has been formed, named as ISIS. They aren't in the US, or currently causing the US any trouble, but we are never too quick to let our guards down. Really, groups like this are unpredictable and the best thing the government can do is to just watch them as carefully as we can and make sure they are not causing any trouble for us because then, there would be chaos and we would have to fight back.
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