1. The written editorial and the cartoon are both about Jonathan Gruber. They both talk about his opinion on voters being stupid and their reaction.
2. The written editorial explains the entire situation of Gruber and the things he has said about voters, and why he disagrees with most of their actions. The cartoon then depicts this with political figures in protective suits running from him as he speaks on his opinion. This makes it humours, but also gives an easier understanding for someone who does not know the situation. The editorial depicts him as seemingly rude, but with meaning. And the cartoon depicts as a new ebola, spreading and ruining lives.
3. The written editorial and the cartoon are alike in the fact that they depict him as a sort of monster to the people of America as well as our politicians. But, the written editorial and softer and nicer than what the cartoon was depicting.
4. The written editorial is more effective in proving his point. It may not be a point I agree with, but the author goes into depth about why he feels that way and certain facts that go along with that. The author was very well at supporting his statements, while the cartoon also showed how he makes people feel, but it doesn't very well prove that point.
5. The drawing can depict a more dramatic scene on what is going on, while the editorial is just words and you have to depict it yourself with the information given. It also can be more interesting for some people. There are many people that would much rather like to look at a picture, rather than looking at a written editorial on the same topic. It is not a good thing in the fact that it doesn't necessarily explain details of the situation. And the written editorial does, so it would be the better pick in that fashion.
Link to written editorial: http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/13/opinion/cupp-gruber-obamacare/index.html?c=opinion
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